Knowledgebase: Architecture
How does VG.NET to Manage Security Information ?
Posted by z Jean-jacques Jouanneaux on 24 August 2010 03:06 PM

How does VG.NET to Manage Security Information ?

Visual Guard .NET (VG.NET) stores security information in :

• Windows Account Support for user sign-on & authentication
(stored in Active Directory or any other similar system).
• SQL Server support for users, permissions and roles storage
• Oracle Support for users, permissions and roles storage
• Proprietary encrypted files.
This generates several possible combinations:
• You may manage user information in AD, SQL Server, Oracle and VG.NET Encrypted Files.
• You may store roles & permissions information in SQL Server, Oracle and VG.NET Encrypted Files.

You do not have to change your application database when integrating VG.NET.
If you decide to store roles & permissions information in SQL Server or Oracle,
you may choose between creating the corresponding VG.NET tables in your application database or in a independent, security-dedicated database.

Same for the user list: you may let VG.NET create and manage its own user list
or you can use an existing user list in Active Directory or in your application database.

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