How does Visual Guard .Net work with an obfuscator?
Posted by z Jean-jacques Jouanneaux on 24 August 2010 05:55 PM
Here is the information about how Visual Guard can handle obfuscated .net applications. There are several options: Option 1 – If you secure in VG an obfuscated .net application, you will have to use static permissions (written with source code in your .net application). It’s impossible to use the dynamic permissions as the name of the object is changed. Indeed it is impossible to establish links between the names stored in the repository and the names "obfuscated" in the executable. Option 2 – Some obfuscators enable to partially obfuscate a .net application. If you have one obfuscator including this feature we recommend you obfuscate all the items but the GUI. It should not be a problem as the GUI items (windows, menus…) usually do not need to be obfuscated. In this scenario, you will be able to work with dynamic permissions as we show in the Demo Sample. Option 3 – If the application you want to secure is not too big or complex, you can declare the obfuscated application in Visual Guard console. In the Visual Guard console you will see the items of your application with the name as it appears in the obfuscated code. | |
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