How to give access to only a subset of data from a table
Posted by z Jean-jacques Jouanneaux on 26 August 2010 02:09 PM

How to give access to only a subset of data coming from one table?

Option 1:
You can build a dynamic query, using a Web Service property to define its “where” clause. You can then dynamically change this where clause with a VG property action.
For instance, you can add a “where” clause to a SelectCommand.SqlDataSource
property like this:

MySqlDataSource.SelectCommand = {CurrentValue} <new where clause>.

If the query may already contain a “where” clause, you will take it into account
with a regular expression like:

#CurrentValue.ToLower.Contains(“ where ”)? string.Format('({0}) and <additional
where clause> ', #CurrentValue):string.Format('({0}) where <new where clause> ',

Option 2:

You can filter data, after the query is executed and the result set retrieved
For instance, VG property actions can dynamically change the following:
Property “RowFilter” of a “DataView”
• Property “Filter” of a “BindingSource”.
• Property “FilterExpression” of a “SqlDataSource”.
• When changing such a filter property, we will check if a filter already exists. If so, we add a new clause, otherwise we will create a new filter.

A VG property action can change the filter property with a regular expression like:

#CurrentValue.Length == 0?'<New filter>':string.Format('({0}) <additional filter>,

Visual Guard .NET

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