How Visual Guard meets SAAS requirments
Posted by z Jean-jacques Jouanneaux on 21 August 2013 04:09 PM

VG functionally meets SAAS requirments

However it is necessary to specify the technical details to ensure that VISUAL GUARD can be used.

1 Your setup is a what we call security Multi-Tenants with the delegation of administration rights of users to the client.
see page of our site that addresses this topic:

2  In this configuration to simplify administration and reduce costs, we assume that there is one central repository of security. VG filter the data security of each client. Also each customer can have his personal database for application data.

(The solution to have a repository of security for each customer is possible but this has an impact on the licensing cost)

You can assign the rights to administer security to a client, by default they can use the Web console (see page on our site)

Administrative rights to each customer may be limited
- To certain users or groups
- Some applications

(The Web console can be customized by a consultant Novalys if necessary to restrict the administration rights of the client.)

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