DevExpress - ReadOnly property
Posted by z Jean-jacques Jouanneaux on 26 August 2010 03:58 PM

We are using controls from Developer Express ( The ReadOnly property is kept inside a property called Properties. For example, to set the ReadOnly on a TextEdit control to true, the following code would be used: TextEdit1.Properties.ReadOnly = True. Is there any way to set the ReadOnly on a control using the Visual Guard Console. When I brought up these controls with the Console, the ReadOnly was not shown.

The 'Properties' property is considred as a component by Visual Guard and it is displayed in the treeview of the designer but not as a property in the property grid.To access to the 'TextEdit1.Properties.ReadOnly' in the security action designer, you have to:

* Select the 'TextEdit' node in the treeview in the right panel.
* Expand the node.
* Select the 'Properties' node.
* Enter 'True' in the 'ReadOnly' property item of the property grid in the right panel.

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